To All Pupils of Religion

Religion is about providing a little information—which people can believe without thinking—and rituals for them to do as a matter of habit.
A relationship requires an investment of our time and a willingness to engage our hearts and minds.
Rather than accept the fact that Yahowah bowed down to us in love so that we wouldn't have to bow down to Him in judgment, religions teach that we should afflict our souls.
I once took a photo of a squirrel eating inside the squirrel feeder on our deck because it reminded me of how religious recruiters, drill instructors, and commanders—preachers, rabbis, imams, priests, gurus, evangelical followers, politicians, patriots, etc.—strive to seduce their hearers into a boxed set of behaviors where they can feed them what they want them to think and believe.
young squirrel chowing down in feeder
Don't be a squirrel in a feeding box!

Yahowah hates religion. But He adores relationships.

I tell you the truth:

Yahowah hates every religion, and He is opposed to every religious leader and everyone else who actively promotes their religion.

Yahowah loves and adores, and promises to care for and accept, those of us who highly value Him, His Name, and His Word. He promises to pay special, loving attention to those who think upon His Name, and He pledges unavoidable and eternal imprisonment to those who have hidden His Name from the world.

What is so wrong with religion? Religious teachings are inconsistent with the Towrah. As a result, those people who follow clerical directions will be forsaken, having stumbled away from the path to Yahowah, which is found only in the Towrah.

In religion, man's ways are presented as being pleasing and acceptable to Yahowah when they actually conflict with and contradict His way. For example, Sunday worship is in opposition to the Covenant's Sabbath. Christmas is contrary to Tabernacles. Easter conflicts with Passover. Jesus Christ is not the Maaseyah Yahowsha. "Lord" is Satan's title, not Yahowah's name.

You need to pay attention to this.

You Cannot Walk With Yahowah and Serve Religion

The following story comes from the Yada Yah Forums. Yada, enormously successful entrepreneur and author of "An Introduction to God", "Yada Yah", and "Prophet of Doom", posted the following message:

"One of my closest friends, a man I spent nearly a thousand hours with during the course of several years, was America's most famous fundamentalist Baptist — Jerry Falwell. In one of our last meetings together I presented him, and the head of Liberty's Hebrew and Old Testament departments, with a white paper which revealed my initial findings with regard to translation and doctrinal errors. Over the course of many hours, both men agreed that everything I had uncovered was true, and that it was in conflict with what they were saying. Then Jerry said, 'If I were to say these things, the pews in my church would be empty and the check-filled letters required to fund Liberty University would be a thing of the past. And if you say these things, people will label you a kook.' "
(Richard's Note: bold italics added by me)

If my understanding of what was said is correct, maintaining the status quo was more important to Dr. Falwell than embracing and proclaiming the truth. If I am grasping the religious icon's reply, then he was unwilling to risk losing his income and credibility by exposing the enemy's deceptions. I think he chose poorly.

I cannot say for sure whether Dr. Falwell's alleged reply characterizes the attitude of other Christian leaders and apologists. And though I have suspicions on the matter, my own son, who is a professional Christian minister, has correctly pointed out to me that I have no business declaring those suspicions because I have not personally interviewed any members of a so-called ministry. So I will leave it up to you, the reader, to determine in your own mind why someone continues participating in something they have come to know through irrefutable evidence is a lie.

Truly did Yahowsha declare,

Mattanyah / Matthew 6:24
"No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will cling to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Yahowah and mammon [that is, material wealth]."

And truly did He describe everyone who evangelizes for a religion when He revealed,

Mattanyah / Matthew 23:15
"You'll cross land and sea to make a single convert. And when you've converted him, he becomes twice the child of Gehenna that you are!"

Located some distance outside the walls of Yarushalaim, Gehenna was the name of the pit where garbage was burned. It came to be associated with the abode of the lost dead. In my opinion, Yahowsha is implying rather strongly that Gehenna is the universe's trash bag for the souls of those who have been rejected by Yahowah. Nowhere in the Scriptures is Gehenna described as being a permanent residence. It is not the "sinner's hell" so popular with the followers of Christianity. That particular place does not exist except in the myths of various religions.

It has been said to me that those who are following Yahowah today are not those who are feeding the poor, starting orphanages and prison ministries, etc. It was said in an attempt to "prove" why Christians are right and we who reject Christianity are wrong.
All the good works in the world will not excuse one from the consequences of rejecting Yahowah's Towrah and embracing one of the world's religions. Mafia kingpins and the lords of the drug cartels are known for their generosity to the locals. Does that excuse them from the murders they sanction, or their trafficking in human sex slaves, or their moving of illegal drugs and weapons around the globe? Some of the Roman Catholic priests and nuns have given themselves unselfishly to aiding the poor and fatherless. Does that absolve them of their responsibility for leading hundreds and thousands of souls away from Yahowah with their Babylonian paganism?
No one can say what we who love and work with Yahowah do with our resources and time, for they do not know us. And because we have been instructed by Yahowsha not to let our left hand know what our right hand is doing with regards to charitable giving, others should never know whether we are sharing or not.
Every such "Aha!" type finger pointing exercise is nothing more than another attempt to deflect attention away from the evidence being shown which proves that every religion on earth is an abomination to Yahowah, our God and Creator. Followers of a religion cannot disprove the evidence, so they attack the messenger. It's an old ploy that has been used by Satan and his disciples for centuries, and it works on the emotionally unstable, the intellectually lazy, and the diehard liar. But it cannot stand up against Yahowah's Word. And that's the rub for Christians, Mormons, Muslims, patriots, and every other follower of a religion, a political system, a military/nationalist system, or any other of man's attempts to self-govern: they cannot disprove what is absolutely true, so they cling stubbornly to their "faith", their "patriotism", or whatever else they've placed above Yahowah and His Word. And they do their dead-level best to discredit or shout down everyone who would try through reason and evidence to lead them away from the lies.
Isn't that sad?

What follows is a record of statements, from Yirmeyahu (aka, Jeremiah) 23, which our Creator addresses to religious leaders and those who follow their teachings. At the end of this record please find that same record in a much amplified form with the Hebrew words and their actual definitions. You are strongly encouraged to do your own homework and verify those definitions. That way, you will know for yourself the truth of what has been presented for your consideration.

Yahowah and I and all the rest of our Family want you to know the truth.

Yahowah promises, "Woe to those acting as shepherds, who have destroyed and who have scattered the flock from My shepherding and pasturing."
So consequently this is what Yahowah, the God of Isra'el, has to say concerning those acting as shepherds: "Those tending to and feeding the flock, you yourselves have led astray and scattered My family, and thus My flock. You have compelled them and driven them away, and you have not been concerned about them.
"So behold, I will hold you accountable for the wickedness of your deeds,"
Yahowah promises. "And I Myself will obtain and gather the remnant of My flock from all the lands in which they have been driven away from My Name, and I will restore and return them upon My pasture, abode, and home. And they will be fruitful and flourish. And they will increase and become great.
"Then I will stand up for them as a Shepherd and will do what is required to nurture, guide, and protect them. And they shall not be afraid ever again. And they will not be dismayed or discouraged, nor will they be discounted or disregarded,"
pledges Yahowah.
"Now pay attention! The day is coming," prophesies Yahowah, "when I will take a stand, establish, and raise up through Dowd an upright Branch, and He shall reign as king. And He will understand, and He shall actively engage in the means which will be used to achieve justice and resolve disputes, and that which is required according to the standard in the land. In His day, Yahudah will be saved and Isra'el will live and dwell accordingly in confidence, expressing their trust and reliance. And thus, this is His Name which He shall be called: 'Yahowah Is Our Righteousness, Our Justice, and Our Vindication.' "
"Indeed, the world is filled with idolatrous adulterers. Therefore surely, as part of and from the presence of this curse, the world mourns for the dead and dries up; the pasture and the encampment wither and shrivel, becoming a barren wasteland. And their course of action, whereby they use oppression and extortion to facilitate their wayward lifestyle was, is, and will continue to be completely wrong, and their use of power, influence, and authority is not right, honest, or trustworthy. Indeed, moreover, the prophet in addition to the priest are defiled and godless. And even in My house I have found they are evil," prophesies Yahowah.
"So therefore, likewise they have actually become their own way to the slippery walk associated with their slick, empty, and treacherous words in the darkness. They will stumble, and they will fall into it. Indeed, I will bring misfortune upon them, the year of their appointed judgment and punishment," declares Yahowah in prophecy.
"And among the prophets of Shomarone I have seen their repulsive, foolish, and abhorrent claims to divine inspiration in 'the Lord'. And they caused My family Isra'el to be misled and to go astray. And with Yarushalaim's prophets I have seen something horrible, shocking, and abominable: they are unfaithful to the covenant and walk in the lie. And they become powerful by empowering the hands of those who are evil and wicked. Accordingly, they do not disassociate or turn away from man—from his wickedness. They are to Me all like Sodom, and they live like 'Amorah."
Accordingly, therefore, this is what Yahowah of the vast array of envoys says concerning those who claim to speak for God, "Behold, I will cause them to consume unpleasantness and bitterness, and I will cause them to drink poisonous water, because, indeed, from the prophets of Yarushalaim comes forth wicked profanity, vile pollution, insincere hypocrisy, and complete godlessness to all the earth."
This is what Yahowah of the vast array of envoys says, "You should not listen to the words, speeches, statements, and messages of those prophets who claim to speak for God to you. They are vain, worthless, and delusional liars arrogantly providing false hope to you. Revealing their heart, character, and feelings, they do not speak the Word from the mouth of Yahowah. They continuously say to those who reject, spurn, slander, devalue, and disregard Me that they speak the word of Yahowah. They say: 'Peace be unto you,' but they all walk in the stubbornness of their heart. So to the contrary, they are bringing misfortune, misery, and suffering upon you.
"After all, who of them was present in the council of Yahowah? And who of them has seen or heard My Word? Who of them has paid attention to and heeded My Word of Words and has received the news and understood it?
"Behold! The storm of Yahowah's displeasure and fury shall go forth, giving birth to a storm of destructive force upon the source of wickedness, swirling down as birth pangs upon them. Yahowah's anger will not return until He is actually done working, and until He takes His stand on behalf of, and establishes, confirms, and validates the decisions and plans of, His heart. In the last days, you all will come to this realization by way of consideration, discernment, and understanding.
"I did not send these prophets, and so they will be quickly dispatched and driven away. I did not speak as God to them. And yet they spoke as if they were inspired. But if they had been present in My council, and if they had heard, heeded, and proclaimed My Word among My family, they would have returned, having turned away from their evil and wicked ways, and from their sinful deeds.
"Am I a God who is the source of close, personal, and intimate relationships,"
asks Yahowah, "and not a God of separation, alienation, or disassociation?
"If a man tries to conceal himself in his secret places for perpetrating his crimes, then am I not able to see him?"
asks Yahowah.
"Did I not fill and complete the spiritual and material realms?" Yahowah asks.
"I have heard that which they have said and will say. Those prophets, who claim to be inspired in My Name, lie concerning their claim, 'I have received a divine revelation.'
"Meanwhile, how long will this exist in the hearts of the prophets who prophesy vain lies, the prophets with delusional and deceitful hearts? Their plan is for My people to overlook, forget, and to cease to properly value My personal and proper Name by way of the revelations and communications which they recount to mankind, to their fellow countrymen and associates, just as when—in a relationship with 'the Lord'—their fathers overlooked, ignored, and forgot My personal and proper Name.
"The prophet who associates himself with these revelations and communications, let him continue to recount, record, and write his divine revelations and inspired messages. And that one who as a result of the relationship speaks My Words, let him communicate My Words truthfully and reliably. What does the straw have in common with the grain?"
asks Yahowah.
"Is not this, My Word, similar to the fire?" Yahowah asks authoritatively, "and similar to a tool which shatters earthen material?
"So therefore, concerning this, look to Me before the prophets, for I am against the prophets,"
declares Yahowah. "I am against the individuals who secretly steal, taking My Words away from their associates, companions, and neighbors.
Yahowah declares, "Pay attention! Look at Me! I am against the pontifications of deceptive and misleading revelations and messages in which there are claims of inspiration!"
Thus declares Yahowah, "And yet they recount and write them, and thereby they cause My people to go astray and wander away through their lies, and through their insolent, arrogant, and reckless speech. I did not send them and did not instruct, appoint, ordain, direct, command, or authorize them. And so they are of absolutely no value whatsoever to the Family.
"And when the people ask you about this, or alternatively, the prophet, or even the priest or minister question you, so as to say, 'What is Yahowah's prophetic declaration?' and you respond to them, 'What prophetic revelation?' then I will reject, forsake, and abandon you all,"
declares Yahowah prophetically.
"And I will pay attention to the prophet, and to the priest and minister, and to the people, who speak about the prophetic declaration of Yahowah. I will attend to, accept, and look after that individual and his Godly family and home.
"So this is what you should actually say, each individual on behalf of his friends, companions, associates, and neighbors, and each individual on behalf of his brother, 'What has Yahowah testified, spoken about, declared and answered, and what has Yahowah communicated in His Word?'
"But the prophetic declaration of Yahowah you no longer remember! Indeed, to each individual there exists his own inspired revelation and authorized promises, his own word. You change and twist the Word of the living, existing, and renewing God, Yahowah of the vast array of envoys, our God.
"So this is what you should actually say to the prophet, 'What has Yahowah testified to you, spoken about to you, declared to you, and answered you, and what has Yahowah communicated in His Word?'
"And if you acknowledge, accept, and testify regarding the prophetic declaration of Yahowah, so likewise this is what Yahowah affirms and promises. You all are saying this, 'The Word of Yahowah is the authorized, inspired, and revealed testimony,' and yet when I chose to reach out and actually send God unto you all for the purpose of serving as a Witness and communicating with you, you did not respond and answer, nor [did you] affirm this Witness to Yahowah's prophetic declaration!
"For this reason therefore, look! I will genuinely forget about you. I will give you no credit whatsoever. I will actually reject and completely forsake you all—and the city which as a result of the relationship I gave to you and to your fathers—from My, the Almighty's, Presence. And I will bestow upon you an everlasting reproach, and an eternal and enduring humiliation, which comes from a diminished and lowly status, which shall not be overlooked or forgotten."

The foregoing translation is from the 23rd chapter of Yirmeyahu, or Jeremiah. It probably doesn't read much at all like your favorite translation. That is because retail English translations of the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms are produced to make money for the publishers, so they invariably go with the flow of history regardless of whether or not their "translations" are accurate and whether or not their sources are reliable. It's just the nature of religion and business, and it is entirely evil.

Here it is again with the Hebrew words and their definitions included, so that you might do your own homework to prove the accuracy of the translation for yourself using as many Hebrew study materials as you can possibly lay your hands on. Click [here] for an example list.

"Woe to (howy - alas, consider this a warning to) those acting as shepherds (ra'ah - those who tend to, care for, and feed the flock) who have destroyed ('abad - who have ruined, who have caused others to go astray and die, ceasing to exist, and whose actions have caused things of value to be squandered and wasted) and (wa) who have scattered (puwts - who have chaotically and or violently displaced) the flock (ts'on - the sheep) from My shepherding and pasturing (mar'iyth - My guidance, leadership, protection, and nurturing)," prophetically declares (na'um - foretells) Yahowah (Yahowah).
So consequently (la ken - therefore accordingly) this is what (koh) Yahowah (Yahowah), the God ('elohym) of Isra'el (Isra'el - a compound of 'ysh - individuals, who sarah - strive and contend with, engage, endure, and persist with, and are set free and empowered by 'el - God) has to say ('amar) concerning ('al - on behalf of and because of) those acting as shepherds (ha ra'ah - those who tend to, care for, and feed the flock): "Those tending to and feeding the flock (ha ra'ah - the shepherds), you ('atem) yourselves have led astray and scattered (puwts - you have dispersed, separated, and exiled) My family ('am - My people who were related to Me), and thus My flock ('eth so'n - My sheep). You have compelled them and driven them away (nadah - you have impelled, seduced, enticed, lured, and drawn them away, preying upon them you have exerted enormous pressure and thereby thrust them aside, exiling and banishing them, making them outcasts and casting them down), and (wa) you have not been concerned about them (lo' paqad 'eth - you have not taken them into account, attended to them, or considered them). So behold, I (hineh - so pay attention to this, I Myself) will hold you accountable (paqad - will consider, and take into account, and be concerned) for ('al) the wickedness (roa' - the bad, harmful, displeasing, injurious, unethical, mischievous, sinful, and evil nature) of your deeds (ma'alal - actions and practices; from 'alal - ruthless actions, wanton dealings, and deceptive practices)," prophetically declares (na'um - promises) Yahowah (Yahowah).
"And (wa - also then) I ('any) Myself will obtain and gather (qabas - I will collect, harvest, pick up, engage relationally with, and assemble) the remnant (sha'eryth - the rest and remainder) of My flock (ts'on - My sheep) from (min) all (kol) the lands (ha 'erets - the realms, places, and nations) in which ('asher - as a result of the relationship) they have been driven away from My ('eth nadah - they have been scattered, banished, exiled, strayed, seduced, and hunted because of My) Name (shem - status, renown, designation, and reputation), and (wa) I will restore and return them (suwb 'eth - I will bring them back, change and renew them) upon ('al) My pasture, abode, and home (naweh - My beautiful dwelling place and campground). And (wa) they will be fruitful and flourish (parah - they will grow and live abundant lives). And (wa) they will increase and become great (rabah - they will be empowered, their status will be elevated, their lives will be prolonged, and they will remain, continuing forever). Then (wa) I will stand up for them (quwm 'al - I will take a stand on their behalf, and I will confirm and fulfill My promise to establish and restore them) as a Shepherd (ra'ah - as One who does what is required to tend to, nurture, guide, and protect) and (wa) will do what is required to nurture, guide, and protect them (ra'ah). And (wa) they shall not be afraid (lo' yare' - they shall not be terrorized) ever again ('owd - any longer). And they will not be dismayed or discouraged (wa lo' hatat - they shall not be confused or abused, shattered or terrified), nor will they be discounted or disregarded (wa lo' paqad - not be taken into account as a result of not being properly considered or appropriately evaluated)," prophetically declares (na'um - promises) Yahowah (Yahowah).
"Now pay attention (hineh - behold, look now and see), the day (yowm) is coming (bow')," promises (na'um - promises) Yahowah (Yahowah), "when (wa) I will take a stand, establish, and raise up (quwm - I will stand upright to accomplish, affirm, fulfill, and restore) through (la - by way of and as a result of) Dowd / Love (Dowd - meaning love, but errantly transliterated "David"), an upright (tsadyq - a righteous, just, proper, innocent, guiltless, and completely moral vindicating, and acquitting) branch (tsemach - a source of growth), and (wa) He shall reign (malak) as king (melek - implying royal lineage and sovereign authority). And (wa) He will understand (shakal - He will prudently prosper by teaching that which is proper) and He shall actively engage in ('asah - He will do, profit from, and celebrate) the means which will be used to achieve justice and resolve disputes (mishpat - the basis upon which judgment will be exercised and sound and just decisions will be made) and (wa) that which is required according to the standard (tsadaqah - that which is upright, righteous, just, proper, moral, vindicating, and acquitting) in (ba) the (ha) land ('erets - the material realm). In (ba) His day (yowm), Yahudah (Yahudah - those who know, praise, communicate with, and are related to Yah) will be saved (yasa' - rescued and delivered) and (wa) Isra'el (Isra'el - a compound of 'ysh - individuals, who sarah - strive and contend with, engage, endure, and persist with, and who are set free and empowered by 'el - God) will live and dwell (sakan - will campout and reside) accordingly (la) in confidence, expressing their trust and reliance (betah - totally assured and worry free, safe and secure). And thus, this is (wa zeh) His name (shem - personal and proper designation and renown) which ('asher - as a result of this relationship) He shall be called (qara' - summoned, invited, met, and encountered, proclaimed, read about, and recited): "Yahowah Is Our Righteousness, Our Justice, and Our Vindication (Yahowah Tsadeq - Yahowah who is upright, just, honest, fair, and right enables us to stand upright, be acquitted, and appear innocent, restored in His presence, by doing what is right). ...
"Indeed (ky), the world (ha 'erets - the land and material realm) is filled with (male' - is replete, satisfied, and content with [scribed in the qal perfect, telling us that this problem is real not hypothetical, that it is complete and thus not partial, and that it has continued to exist uninterrupted over time]) idolatrous adulterers (na'ap - with those who are not faithful or monogamous and who engage in illicit relationships with false deities). Therefore surely (ky), as part of and from (min) the presence (paneh) of this curse ('alah), the world (ha 'erets - the land and material realm) mourns for the dead and dries up ('abel - weeps and grieves for the departed, becoming parched, lifeless dust without water [qal perfect]); the pasture and the encampment (nawah - the source of nourishment and the place where one lives) wither and shrivel (yabes - are gone, ceasing to exist [qal perfect]) becoming a barren wasteland (midbar - becoming a desolate and lifeless place; a compound of midad / ma'ad / min - to reject, deny, leave, and waver away from dabar - the Word). And (wa) their course of action, whereby they use oppression and extortion to facilitate their wayward lifestyle (maruwtsah - their illicit financial dealings where money is stolen by those in power [read: religious and political authorities] to fund a fast-paced, misguided, aggressive, and impulsive way of life) was, is, and will continue to be completely (hayah - exists as [scribed in the qal stem which tells us that the subject, which is the oppressive extortion, has and will actually occur, and imperfect waw consecutive which affirms that this choice of behavior will eventually cease even though its consequences will endure]) wrong (ra'ah - evil, wicked, distressful, disastrous, troubling, misfortunate, and harmful), and their use of power, influence, and authority (gebuwrah - their religious supremacy, and to a lesser degree their political, economic, and military might) is not (lo') right, honest, or trustworthy (ken - valid, correct, or just). Indeed (ky - surely and truly), moreover (gam - also), the prophet (naby' - the person who claims to speak on behalf of a deity) in addition to (gam) the priest (kohen - the religious official and ruler, the cleric and minister, the royal advisor and priesthood) are defiled and godless (hanep - filthy, morally corrupt, internally polluted, crooked, spineless, wavering, and ungodly). And even (gam) in (ba) My house (bayth - family and home [speaking of the Promised Land]), I have found (masa' - I have obtained sufficient evidence to determine that) they are evil (ra'ah - wrong, wicked, disastrous, troubling, and harmful)," prophetically declares (na'um - affirms in advance) Yahowah (Yahowah).
"So therefore, likewise (la ken - so much more so then) they have actually become (hayah - they have genuinely, continuously, and habitually come to exist as [qal imperfect]) their own way (derek - their path) to (la - on behalf of and namely) the slippery walk associated with their slick, empty, and treacherous words (ka ha halaqlaq - the slippery slimy slope comprised of their flattering and yet unfulfilled promises which serve to divide and plunder) in (ba) the darkness (ha 'apelah - the absence of light where wickedness and calamity thrive; from 'aphel - the setting sun). They will stumble (dachah - they will trip, slip, and stagger [niphal imperfect, telling us that they will consistently trip on their own words]) and (wa) they will fall (napal - they will bow down and they will be cast down) into it (ba - speaking of being cast into the place where there is no light). Indeed (ky), I will bring (bow') misfortune upon them (ra'ah 'al - distress, misery, and suffering, trouble, distress, and ruin on them) the year (sanah - the time of change and transformation) of their appointed judgment and punishment (paqudah - of reckoning, of exercising authority and assigning responsibility which results in imposing a penalty whereby they are placed into custody)," prophetically declares (na'um - affirms in advance) Yahowah (Yahowah).
"And (wa) among (ba) the prophets (naby' - those who claim to speak for God) of Shomarown (shomarown - those who are observers, capital city of the Northern Kingdom [transliterated Samaria]) I have seen (ra'ah) their repulsive, foolish, and abhorrent (tiplah - their insipid, characterless whitewash, their wrongful and offensive, criminal and sinful, unsavory and unseemly) claims to divine inspiration (naba' - messages communicated on behalf their gods) in the Lord (ba ha ba'al - in the Lord). And (wa) they caused My family ('am - My people), Isra'el (yIsra'el - those who strive to engage and endure with God) to be misled and to go astray (ta'ah - to be deceived and wander away). And with (wa ba) Yarushalaim's (yaruwshalaim - the source of restoration [transliterated Jerusalem's]) prophets (naby' - those who claim divine authorization and inspiration), I have seen (ra'ah) something horrible, shocking, and abominable (sa'ruwr - a terrible and astounding abomination). They are unfaithful to the covenant (na'ap - idolatrous and adulterous), and walk (wa halak) in the lie (ba ha seqer - vainly and egotistically in the utterly false and useless deception, in the fraud). And (wa) they become powerful by empowering (hazaq - they use extremely harsh and severe tactics to gain control by strengthening) the hands (yad) of those who are evil and wicked (ra'a). Accordingly (la), they do not disassociate or turn away from (bilthy suwb) man ('iysh - mankind)—from (min) his wickedness (ra'ah - his wrongdoing and immorality, his adversity and misfortune). They are (hayah - they were, are, and continue to be) to Me (la - and according to Me) all (kol) like (ka - the same as) Sodom (sodom - that which is scorched and burning) and (wa) they live (yasab) like (ka - similar to) 'Amorah ('amorah - a place where tyrants manipulate the people, treating them as merchandise and slaves, usually rendered Gomorrah).
Accordingly therefore (la ken) this is what (koh) Yahowah (Yahowah) of the vast array of envoys (saba' - the spiritual command and control regime who serve by following orders) says ('amar) concerning (la) those who claim to speak for God (naby' - the prophets), "Behold, I (hineh - be aware, I) will cause them to consume ('akal 'eth - will feed and destroy them with) unpleasantness and bitterness (la'anah - a very bitter and extremely unpleasant substance [sometimes interpreted to be "wormwood"]), and I will cause them to drink (saqah) poisonous (ro'sh - venomous and deadly [sometimes interpreted as "gall" or "hemlock"]) water (maym). Indeed because (ky) from (min - and out of) the prophets (naby') of Yarushalaim (yaruwshalaim - the source of reconciliation) comes forth (yasa' - comes out) wicked profanity, vile pollution, insincere hypocrisy, and complete godlessness (chanuphah - that which is unclean, defiled, corrupt, unreliable, and hypocritical) to all (la kol) the earth (ha 'erets - the material world)."
This is what (koh) Yahowah (Yahowah) of the vast array of envoys (saba' - the spiritual command and control regime of messengers who serve by following orders) says ('amar), "You should not listen (lo' shama' - you should not hear, receive, or heed the message [qal imperfect - speaking of the actual and unfolding consequences of this advice]) to (la) the words, speeches, statements, and messages (dabar) of those prophets (naby') who claim to speak for God (naby' - who insist they are authorized and inspired by God) to you (la'). They (hem) are vain, worthless, and delusional liars arrogantly providing false hope (habal - promoting that which is untrue and unreliable, making them of no value, as their promises are utterly meaningless, empty, and futile) to you ('eth - among you). Revealing (hazown) their heart, character, and feelings (leb - their inner nature, attitude, desires, motivations, ambitions, and relationships), they do not speak the Word (lo' dabar - they do not verbalize the message) from (min) the mouth of (peh) Yahowah (Yahowah). They continuously say ('amar 'amar - they preach and they promise, they declare and they pontificate, they answer and they claim without ceasing) to those who reject, spurn, slander, devalue, and disregard Me (la na'as - to those who treat Me with contempt, who demean My actual status, who treat Me disrespectfully and who discard what I have to say, who despise and blaspheme Me, who act as if I no longer matter) that they speak the word of (dabar - that they communicate the message of) Yahowah (Yahowah). They say ('amar - proclaim, promise, and declare): 'Peace be unto you (shalowm hayah la - salvation shall exist for you),' but they all walk (wa kol halak - on any and all paths) in the stubbornness of their heart (ba sarruwth leb - in the firmness of their convictions they refuse to change), so to the contrary, they are bringing (lo' bow - in opposition, they are actually pursuing, bearing, associating with, and causing) misfortune, misery, and suffering (ra'ah - evil, harm, trouble, distress, calamity, adversity, affliction, and ruin) upon you ('al).
"After all (ky - because indeed, noting the obvious contrast), who (my) of them was present ('amad - of them was appointed, assigned, or could even endure standing) in the council of (ba sowd - was confided in, was intimate with, or was consulted or trusted by) Yahowah (Yahowah)? And who (wa my) of them has seen (ra'ah) or heard (shama') My Word (dabar)? Who (my) of them has paid attention to and heeded (qasab) My Word of Words (dabar dabar - My Message of Messages, My Communication of Communications, My ultimate and perfect Testimony) and (wa) has received the news and understood it (shama' - has listened attentively and proclaimed that message)?
"Behold (hineh), the storm (ca'ar) of Yahowah's (Yahowah's) displeasure and fury (hemah - hostility and antagonism, anger, wrath, and rage) shall go forth (yasa') giving birth to a (chuwl - bringing forth the birth pangs of shaking, trembling, quaking, and swirling) storm of destructive force (ca'ar) upon the source (ro'sh - the summit, head, and beginning, even the chiefs, leaders, and sum total) of wickedness (rasa' - of the criminal behavior, the guilty, unrighteous, evil, and condemned), swirling down as birth pangs upon them (chuwl - shaking them and causing them to tremble). Yahowah's (Yahowah's) anger ('aph - the presence and breath of His frustration and resentment, of His personal and material response) will not return (suwb - will not materialize or come upon them) until ('ad) He is actually done working ('asah - He has reliably completed doing everything which needs to be done [qal infinitive construct - which affirms the reliability and genuineness of this promise, and also, as a verbal noun, that Yahowah and this work are inseparable, literally one in the same]), and until ('ad) He takes His stand on behalf of, establishes, confirms, and validates (quwm - honors and fulfills) the decisions and plans (mazimah - the purposes, discretion, and thoughts, in addition to the careful, prudent, and judicious choices) of His heart (leb - of His inner nature and character). In (ba) the last ('acharyth) days (yowm), you all will come to this realization (byn - will apprehend this information [hitpolel stem and imperfect conjugation - speaking of how this realization will have ongoing and unfolding consequences on the prudent]) by way of (ba) consideration, discernment, and understanding (bynah - thoughtfully and rationally evaluating these insights).
"I did not send (lo' salah - I did not authorize or dispatch) these prophets (ha naby' - these individuals who claim that they were inspired and that they spoke for God), and so they (wa hem) will be quickly dispatched and driven away (ruws - they will be swiftly pursued and they will run away). I did not speak as God to them (lo' dabar 'el - I did not communicate My Word to them). And yet they (wa hem) spoke as if they were inspired (naba' - acting as if they were prophets they claimed to reveal God's message). But (wa) if ('im) they had been present ('amad) in My council (ba sowd - been engaged in an intimate fellowship with Me, coming to trust and rely upon Me and My counsel), and if had they heard, heeded, and proclaimed (shama' - received, understood, acknowledged, and reported) My Word (dabar - My message) among ('eth - beside and alongside) My family ('am - My people), they would have returned, having turned away from their (suwb min) evil and wicked (ra' - harmful and troubling) ways (derek), and from (wa min) their sinful (roa' - immoral and improper) deeds (ma'alal - actions and activities).
"Am (ha - as an interrogative) I ('any) a God ('elohym) who is the source of (min - who is the means to) close, personal, and intimate relationships (qarowb - who is near and approachable)?"
prophetically asks (na'um) Yahowah (Yahowah), "and not (wa lo') a God ('elohy) of (min) separation, alienation, or disassociation (rachowq - distance)?
"If ('im) man ('iysh - an individual) tries to conceal himself (satar - hide by operating slyly and secretly) in his secret places for perpetrating his crimes (ba ha mictar - protected hiding places where he conspires), then am I not able to see him (wa 'any lo' ra'ah - so am I not able to expose and reveal him)?"
prophetically asks (na'um) Yahowah (Yahowah).
"Did I not (ha lo' 'any) fill and complete (male' - provide all of the necessary matter to completely satisfy the requirements of) the spiritual and material realms (ha shamaym wa ha 'erets)?" asks (na'um) Yahowah (Yahowah) authoritatively .
"I have heard (shama') that which ('eth 'asher) they have and will say ('amar - will claim, promise, and declare). Those prophets (ha naby') who claim to be inspired (naba') in My name (shem - My designation, reputation, and renown), lie (seqer - mislead, are vain, false, and useless deceivers) when they declare (la 'amar - so as to infer and declare), 'I have received a divine revelation (halam halam - I have received a communication from God).'
"How long (matay) meanwhile ('ad) will this exist (yes) in the hearts (ba leb - in the character, nature, and ambitions) of the prophets (ha naby') who prophesy (naba') vain lies (seqer - misleading deceptions), the prophets (naby') with delusional and deceitful (tarmyth - accusing, misleading, and untrue, fraudulent and treacherous) hearts (leb - inner natures, attitudes, desires, motivations, ambitions, and relationships)? Their plan is for (ha hasab - considering everything, their thinking, calculation, decision, devise, and account reveals that they are determined for) My people ('am - My family) to overlook, forget, and to cease to properly value (sakah - to ignore, to be unmindful of, to lose sight of the significance of, and to no longer respond to) My personal and proper name (shem) by way of (ba) the revelations and communications (ha halowm - the claims to inspired insights) which ('asher) they recount to (saphar - they proclaim, record, and write to) mankind ('iysh), to their fellow countrymen and associates (la rea' - to others in their race and company), just as when in a relationship with (ka 'asher 'eth ba - similarly as when engaged in the same relationship with) the Lord (ha Ba'al), their fathers ('ab - their forefathers and ancestors) overlooked, ignored, and forgot (sakah - were not mindful of and ceased to appreciate the significance of) My personal and proper name (shem).
"The prophet (ha naby') who associates himself with ('asher 'eth) these revelations and communications (ha halowm - the claims to inspired insights), let him continue to recount, record, and write (sapar - publish and communicate) his divine revelations and inspired messages (halowm). And those who as a result of the relationship (wa 'asher) speak My Words (dabar - communicate My message), let him communicate (dabar) My Word (dabar) truthfully and reliably ('emeth - faithfully, dependably, and accurately). What does (mah) the straw (ha teben - the chaff, the light, dry, brittle stubble which is easily blown by the wind) have in common with (la 'eth) the grain (bar - the fruit and the son)?"
prophetically asks (na'um) Yahowah (Yahowah).
"Is not (ha lo') this (koh), My Word (dabar), similar to (ka) the fire (ha 'esh - that which enlightens and consumes)?" authoritatively questions (na'um) Yahowah (Yahowah), "and similar to (wa ka) a tool which (patiysh - an implement which) shatters (pasas - crushes and crumbles, disperses and decomposes) earthen material (sela' - the hardest matter and strongest defensive position)?
"So therefore (ken) concerning this (la), look to Me (hineh - pay very close attention to Me) before the prophets, for I am against the prophets ('al ha naby' - I am over and opposed to those who claim to convey inspired revelations),"
declares (na'um - announces in advance) Yahowah (Yahowah). "I am against the individuals ('iysh - men) who secretly steal, taking (ganab - who clandestinely conspire to rob, taking away without permission) My Words (dabary) away from (min) their fellow countrymen (rea' - associates, companions, race, and neighbors)." ...
"Pay attention and look to Me (hineh), I am against ('al - opposed to) the pontifications (naba') of deceptive and misleading (seqer - dishonest and errant) revelations and messages in which there are claims of inspiration (halowm),"
declares (na'um) Yahowah (Yahowah).
Thus (zeh) declares (na'um) Yahowah (Yahowah), "And yet (wa) they recount and write them (saphar - they proclaim and record them) and thereby (wa 'eth), they cause My people ('am - My family) to go astray and wander away (ta'ah - to be deceived and falter, missing the way) through (ba) their lies (seqer - deceptive and misleading statements, their vain and fraudulent messages), and through (ba) their insolent, arrogant, and reckless speech (pachazuwth - their self-willed, stubborn, wanton, and false extravagance). I ('any) did not (lo') send them (salah) and did not (wa lo') instruct, appoint, ordain, direct, command, or authorize them (sawah - provide them with any guidance or authority). And so they are of absolutely no value whatsoever (wa lo' ya'al ya'al - they are of no benefit of any kind and they accomplish nothing which is useful or good) to the family (la ha 'am - on behalf of the people)."
"And when (wa ky) the people ('am) ask you (sa'al - question you) about this (ha zeh), or alternatively ('ow), the prophet (naby' - the one who claims inspiration), or even ('ow) the priest or minister (kohen - government advisor, policy maker, and teacher) question you (sa'al) so as to say (la 'amar), 'What is (mah) Yahowah's (Yahowah's) prophetic declaration (masa' - inspired revelation and authorized promise)?' and you respond to them (wa 'amar 'el 'eth), 'What (mah) prophetic revelation (masa' - authorized promise and inspired declaration)?' then (wa) I will reject, forsake, and abandon you all (natas - reject and withdraw from you, separating Myself from you, disassociating with you),"
prophetically declares (na'um - reveals in advance by way of inspiration in an authorize message) Yahowah (Yahowah).
"And the prophet (naby' - the one who makes claims of inspiration and authorization) and the priest and minister (kohen - government advisor, policy maker, and teacher), and the other family members ('am - the family) who ('asher - as a result of their relationship) speak about ('amar - respond to, inquire about, share, focus upon, declare, and proclaim) the authorized promise and inspired revelation (masa' - the authorized promise and inspired revelation) of Yahowah (Yahowah) I will pay attention to, attend to, accept, and look after (paqad 'al - I will be concerned about, seek, take stock of, value, summon, and gather) that individual (ha huw' 'iysh) and his Godly family and home (wa 'al beyth - and also on behalf of his household).
"So this is what (koh) you should actually say ('amar - respond to, inquire about, share, speak about, focus upon, declare, proclaim, promise, answer, and respond), each individual ('iysh) on behalf of ('al) his fellow countryman (rea' - his friends, companions, associates, members of his race, and neighbors) and (wa) each individual ('iysh) on behalf of ('al) his brother ('ah), 'What (mah) has Yahowah (Yahowah) testified, spoken about, declared and answered ('anah - provided as a witness, responded, and asked), and (wa) what (mah) has Yahowah (Yahowah) communicated in His Word (dabar - spoken and verbalized, announced and declared)?'
"But (wa) the prophetic declaration (masa' - the authorized promise and inspired revelation) of Yahowah (Yahowah) you no longer remember (lo' zakar - you do not recall or mention, invoke or proclaim). Indeed (ky), to each individual (la 'iysh - according to each man) there exists his own (hayah) inspired revelation and authorized promises (masa' - proclamations), his own word (dabar - message and account). You change and twist (hapak - you invert and convolute, you pervert and upend) the Word (dabar - the message and testimony) of the living, existing, and renewing (chayym - the animated, lively, robust, reviving, and growing) God ('elohym), Yahowah (Yahowah) of the vast array of envoys (saba' - the spiritual command and control regime who serve by following orders), our God ('elohym).
"So this is what (koh) you should actually say ('amar - respond to, inquire about, share, speak about, focus upon, declare, proclaim, promise, answer, and respond) to ('el) the prophet (naby' - the person who claims to speak on behalf of God), 'What (mah) has Yahowah (Yahowah) testified to you, spoken about to you, declared to you, and answered you ('anah - provided to you as a witness, responded to you, and asked of you), and (wa) what (mah) has Yahowah (Yahowah) communicated in His Word (dabar - spoken and verbalized, announced and declared)?'
"And if (wa ma) you acknowledge, accept, and testify regarding ('anah la - responded and provide a witness to, speak about, declare, and say that you answer to) the prophetic declaration (masa' - the authorized promise, inspired pronouncement, and authorized word) of Yahowah (Yahowah), so likewise (ken - surely and reliably as a result) this is what (koh) Yahowah (Yahowah) affirms and promises ('amar - says and intends, declares, and answers), "Since (ya'an - for the reason) you all are saying ('amar 'eth - witnessing with, answering to, making promises by way of, summoning others with, and providing testimony on behalf of) this (zeh), the Word (ha dabar) of Yahowah's (Yahowah's) authorized, inspired, and the revealed testimony (masa' - prophetic declaration), and yet when (wa) I chose to reach out and actually send (salah - decided to genuinely set apart and dispatch [imperfect waw consecutive]) God unto you all ('el - the Mighty One to you) for the purpose of (la) serving as a Witness and communicating with you ('amar - affirming everything I've said [qal stem in the infinitive construct - meaning that this witness is real and His affirmations are genuine, as opposed to this being metaphor and/or hypothetical, and that as a verbal noun, the Witness is a manifestation of Almighty God in action]), and you do not respond and answer, nor affirm this Witness to (lo' 'amar - you do not accept or speak on behalf of [qal stem and imperfect conjugation - telling us that this decision regarding Yahowah's Witness will have genuine, serious, unfolding, and ongoing consequences with regard to]) Yahowah's (Yahowah's) prophetic declaration (masa' - the authorized, inspired, and the revealed pronouncement), for this reason therefore (la ken - so accordingly) behold (hineh), then (wa) I will genuinely forget about you (nashah 'eth - I will not recall any information or memory of you [qal perfect consecutive - telling us that God will actually choose to forget about them for a specific period of time which will eventually come to an end]), give you no credit whatsoever (nasha' - provide nothing of value, no payment, recompense, or ransom [infinitive absolute, which as a verbal noun tells us that God Himself is the ransom which will be withheld]), and I will actually reject and completely forsake you all (natash 'eth - I will genuinely disassociate from you, completely separating Myself from you, abandoning you [qal perfect consecutive - affirming that this rejection and disassociation is God's decision, and while total with regard to this audience, the rejection will end at some point in time, and allowing for a different fate for a subsequent and different response]) and the city ('yr) which as a result of the relationship ('asher) I gave (natan) to you (la) and to your fathers (wa la 'ab) from (min) My, the Almighty's presence ('al paneh). And (wa) I will bestow (natan) upon you ('al) an everlasting ('owlam - an eternal and enduring) reproach (herpah - shame, disgrace, contempt, and dishonor) and also (wa) an everlasting ('owlam - an eternal and enduring) humiliation which comes from a diminished and lowly status (kalimuwth - discredited and ignominious, so as to be viewed as insignificant and unworthy) which ('asher) shall not be overlooked or forgotten (lo' sakah - will not be ignored).

YHWH in Paleo-Hebrew = יהוה = ee-ah-oh-ah = Yahowah /'iɑ∙o∙wɑ /

Song / Mizmor / Psalm 19:7
Yahowah's Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning and restoring the soul. Yahowah's testimony is trustworthy and reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open-minded and receptive.
Yahowah's (YHWH in Paleo-Hebrew, 66x21) Towrah (torah – teaching, guidance, direction, and instruction) is complete and entirely perfect (tamym – without defect, lacking nothing, correct, genuine, right, helpful, beneficial, and true), returning and restoring (suwb – transforming) the soul (nepesh – consciousness). Yahowah's testimony ('eduwth – restoring and eternal witness) is trustworthy and reliable ('aman – verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam – educating and enlightening oneself to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded and receptive (pethy – easy for those who are receptive).

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