Fundamentalist Islam —

The Single Greatest Threat to World Peace

In Iraq, it is now the law that every unmarried woman—Muslim or not—must be turned over to the mujahideen to be used as a sex-slave. Anyone who resists the law will be executed immediately and without mercy. That is what is meant by the law's phrase, "Failure to comply with this mandate will result in enforcing the laws of Sharia upon them." You can read the new Iraqi law here.

The Quran and Hadith record that Muhammad considered every female, no matter how young, to be a woman. His favorite wife was less than 10 years old when he first dragged her into his bed. So even girls as young as 8 and 9 are at risk. This does not bode well for single females in Iraq. In fact, according to one of the world's best informed experts on Islam, "What the world is witnessing in Iraq will continue unabated — and it will spread…By looking at Syria and Iraq today, you are seeing America's tomorrow."

The following conversation took place as a thread of emails over the weekend of June 20-22, 2014. I have reconstructed it as though the correspondents were sitting together in a room, discussing the subject matter face-to-face. Bolding and other emphases are my own.

JM, Yada's publicist, referring to Iraq's new law:

"Is this true? Are the native Assyrian Christian women of Ninevah now expected to have sex with their Muslim overlords?

"Can you write a pitch on this? We need to expose this to the world. This is beyond outrageous!"


"It's true. Iraqi women are being religiously raped.

"But don't blame this on ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). And don't think that ISIS is worse than those they are fighting.

"It's been happening around the world for 1400 years. Rape is ordained in the Qur'an. Muhammad was a rapist — so rape is allowed, even encouraged in Sharia law. That is why the rapist is seldom if ever punished while the victim is lashed and then killed. Without the incentive of rape, Islam would not exist. Muhammad used it to inspire the 75 terrorist raids that enabled the Islamic Era. Rape is an integral part of Islam. It is Islamic Sunnah, from which Sunni is derived, because Muhammad murdered the men he terrorized, enslaved the children, and raped the women. Nothing has changed in Islam between then and now. This is all very clearly stated in the Qur'an and Hadith — so no one should be surprised.

"More women have been raped in the Syrian Civil War than murdered. Thousands of Copt Christians have been kidnapped and used as sex slaves since General Sisi took over. 98% of Egyptian women report that they have been sexually abused. 250 million Muslim girls living today have been sexually mutilated by their mothers.

"What do you think is being done every day to the 300 Christian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria?

"Tens of thousands of Muslim girls are murdered every year by their fathers in honor killings. Women have no rights in Islam. In Saudi Arabia, Muslim women are not allowed outside of their homes. And inside their homes, they torture the women who have been enslaved to care for them.

"The Romans did it too. So did the Japanese in WWII. In the West, per capita, women are more often abused in the U.S. Armed Forces than any other place. 99% of the perpetrators are not prosecuted. So the problem, while ubiquitous in Islam, isn't unique to Islam. It's just that in Islam rape is approved while in most other societies and situations it is considered bad.

"I.Q. al Rassooli, who is an Iraqi, states that 90% of the Christians in Iraq have either fled as exiles or been killed since the initial U.S. invasion of Iraq. It is one of the many reasons that the U.S. invasion was counterproductive, stupid, suicidal, and immoral.

"I've been saying this for 12 years. No one is listening. The nation and much of the world has been so negatively affected by 'Political Correctness' that most people are no longer judgmental and thus have become amoral, even senseless. In fact, most people will react foolishly to this story, believing that it justifies the U.S. reengaging in Iraq, when that will only make it worse.

"There is a bigger story here, which is: why doesn't anyone seem to understand cause and consequence?

"Why is everyone afraid to associate rape and terror with Islam? And related to that is: The U.S. enabled this disaster in Iraq and Syria, in Libya and Nigeria—a firestorm of death and destruction that cannot be stopped, one that will spread worldwide. Why then do we pretend that our military is making us safer and freer? Why do Americans believe that they are a force for good?

"Yes! I am willing to do a thousand more shows on this, but the host and their listeners aren't going to like what I have to say. We are the problem. We don't think. We don't care. We act in a suicidal fashion like lemmings. And now it is too late. The Islamic terror we are witnessing in Iraq and Syria, in Libya and Nigeria, is unstoppable, and over the next 15 to 20 years it is going to ravage the entire world.

"No one is safe. Armies are useless against Islamic terror. They only make it worse.

"There is no chance that I'm wrong about this. I know Islam as well as anyone on the planet.* Islam cannot be reformed. Rape and terrorism are germane to the religion, as are deception, destruction, and death. Muslim jihadists are now well funded and well armed. They will never change. What the world is witnessing in Iraq will continue unabated — and it will spread.

"This is exactly what happened the last time America made this mistake and used the Taliban and al Qaeda in a proxy war in Afghanistan against the old USSR. After winning the Great Jihad, the surviving mujahedin perpetrated the worst terrorist acts the world had ever witnessed in the U.S., Europe, Russia, China, Africa, and South America. And this proxy war in Greater Syria between Sunni and Shia Islam is the ultimate jihad - a million times more compelling for Muslims than Afghanistan in the 1980s.

"Moreover, this is exactly what Yahowah predicted in Isaiah 17-18, naming the battlefield in Syria and Iraq, naming the belligerents including the USA, delineating the tactics, especially terrorism, ascribing the timing to the last days, or time, and presenting the sequence of events while revealing the ultimate consequence. It is all spelled out for us.

"By ignoring the religion of Islam and worse, by praising, funding, and arming it, by ignoring and thus repeating history, and by disregarding Yahowah's testimony, we didn't just shoot ourselves in the foot, we shot ourselves between the eyes. And now blind, dumb, and comatose, we will soon die. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

"Those who eyes and minds still function are witnessing the demise of humankind. The fuse is lit: the world has less than 20 years. There is only one way out, and that single way is found in a document all but one in a million people have discarded for religious, academic, social, or political reasons.

"The only hope is to engage in the Covenant as presented in Genesis and then join the Exodus through the Feasts as described in the rest of the Towrah. But the first step in that journey necessitates disassociating from the very institutions humans cling most tightly to during times like these: religion, politics, patriotism, and militarism.

"By looking at Syria and Iraq today, you are seeing America's tomorrow. How many people do you think are receptive to that inevitable reality?"

I.Q. al Rassooli, the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam, and author of the 3 volume set, "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam":

"Everything you have pointed out is obviously true. Unfortunately, as usual, most of our corrupt leaders in politics, academia, clergy, and the media will deliberately ignore these horrible facts because they do not know how to deal with Islam short of Draconian laws!

"It has always been (as far as I am concerned, especially in Europe) that the politicians are loathe to take the bull by the horn and twist its neck till it breaks.

"I repeat again, the instant they admit that the greatest threat to human civilization is Islam, then they must immediately promulgate new rules, or at least start implementing laws that are already adequate to deal with Islam.

"Throughout history, one axiom stands tall: Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"


"In the second hour on Friday I shared a plan that would resolve the threat of Islam but there is no will to deploy it. Should you be curious, that plan is as follows:

  1. Bluntly and boldly expose and condemn Islam using the Islamic scriptures.
  2. Shut down and declare illegal every Islamic mosque and religious institution in the West.
  3. Stop selling and providing Muslims weapons so that they can only fight with sticks and stones.
  4. Stop buying oil and gas from Islamic nations to stop fueling jihad.
  5. Completely disengage from Muslim countries — no aid, no support, no invasions, no involvement.
  6. Criminalize the promotion of Islam in academia, in politics, and in the media.
  7. After destroying and capturing the nuclear arsenals in Pakistan and Iran, disband 90% of the U.S. Military so that America is no longer tempted to make bad situations worse. The American military machine is of no value. In fact, it is actually counterproductive against Islam! And it is bankrupting the nation.

"But, guys, there isn't a nation on earth, and especially not America, willing to do any of these things, much less all of them. We are, therefore, witnessing the demise of our planet.

"I.Q., it is what you and I have been warning the world about for a decade. It is now inevitable. The U.S. is actually making the situation worse."

I.Q. al Rassooli:

"These are the Perfect Draconian laws that I was alluding to. After these, Islam would implode."


"Correct, IQ. If the West, especially the U.S., would do these 7 things, Islam would only exist in the most isolated and impoverished places and, thus, would only threaten Muslims.

"Islam is a parasite. It is not self-sustaining. If the rest of the world would just back away, it would die.

"Muslims would continue to kill Muslims with stolen guns, knives, and stones for a while. But that would be the extent of it.

"Good riddance.

"But, I am convinced that the West won't do any of these things."

And there you have it. Now you know. You have the visual evidence in the links provided above to see for yourself that the situation described is every bit as evil and real as the correspondents claim. Why aren't the media pundits and talking heads sharing this information openly and in plain language with us?

Islam is a threat to world peace.

Yet American President Barack Hussein Obama publicly praises and endorses Islam, as do the nauseating sycophants who surround him. He even bowed himself in submission to the king of Saudi Arabia in front of international cameras! Other world leaders are likewise honoring Islam and its nasty clerics and leaders.

Were you aware of the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has made it illegal for states to ban Sharia law? That's the truth. In 2010, an overwhelming majority of Oklahomans voted to ban Sharia law, and the U.S. Supreme Court declared that states cannot forbid Sharia law. Look it up. It's the truth.

Those who are "Politically Correct" react to declarations of the truth about Islam as though the person exposing the facts is a brutish, unsophisticated ignoramus. And Muslims react to the truth by murdering everyone around them while screaming, "Allah u akbar!" and boasting of how they are fighting against Muhammad's enemies. But the evidence is crystal clear and ubiquitous.

World leaders and others who excuse and protect Islam are without excuse, nor will Muhammad's murderers spare them when they smash through their locked doors, waving automatic rifles and machetes, and shouting "Allah u akbar!" (Alla is greater!). Just as they are doing everywhere else, they will slaughter the men, enslave the youngest children (if they don't massacre them), and kidnap the women for sex-slaves. It's the Muhammadan way right across the board.

Those who protect and promote Islam are fools. That pig they're feeding is going to turn around and rip their guts out. Wait and see.

Share this page with everyone you know. Help get the word out. It may be too late to stop Islam's toxic spread around the globe, but spreading the truth as far and as wide as possible is always productive and right.

Yahowah, our God, is greater than all. May He be with you.

* — Shortly after 9/11, Yada, after interviewing fundamentalist Islamic terrorists while their henchmen had pistols and assault rifles pointed at his head, spent 10,000 hours researching Islam and arranging the Quran and Hadith into chronological order. The result is a massive work that is second to none in its accuracy and completeness. I have made it available here for free download. There are no interactive forms or any such thing on this site. I provide information, that's it. Simply click [here] to access the chapters of "Prophet of Doom" by Yada.

YHWH in Paleo-Hebrew = יהוה = ee-ah-oh-ah = Yahowah /'iɑ∙o∙wɑ /

Song / Mizmor / Psalm 19:7
Yahowah's Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning and restoring the soul. Yahowah's testimony is trustworthy and reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open-minded and receptive.
Yahowah's (YHWH in Paleo-Hebrew, 66x21) Towrah (torah – teaching, guidance, direction, and instruction) is complete and entirely perfect (tamym – without defect, lacking nothing, correct, genuine, right, helpful, beneficial, and true), returning and restoring (suwb – transforming) the soul (nepesh – consciousness). Yahowah's testimony ('eduwth – restoring and eternal witness) is trustworthy and reliable ('aman – verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam – educating and enlightening oneself to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded and receptive (pethy – easy for those who are receptive).

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