Shattering Myths Archives
September, 2013
These archives have been edited to remove the top-of-the-hour newsbreak and the commercials. The resulting MP3 files are each about 37 minutes long.
Click on the number in the Hour column to hear that particular segment of the program.
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Monday |
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Topics (Rebroadcast of Friday, 30-Aug-2013 program)
The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- Genesis 2:9 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- The absolute necessity of Yahowah giving us the choice to reject Him
- A discussion about Yahowah and the concept of micromanagement
- On the tens of thousands of differences between the Masoretic texts and the Qumran Scrolls
- The origin of the much-respected Latin Vulgate
- The indisputably unreliable character of the Christian "New Testament"
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah would never allow His Word to be corrupted
- The English Christian Bible is the inerrant Word of God
- Paul spoke for God
- Larry - joined as a participant
- Jason - shared a story
Monday |
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Topics (Rebroadcast of Friday, 30-Aug-2013 program)
Exposing Islam
- Special Guest: I.Q. al-Rassooli, author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam" and the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam
- A give-and-take about the current situation in Syria
- The BBC is characterized as being the very voice of Islam
- "Jihad", as defined by the Quran, is war and terrorism and slaughter against anyone and everyone who is not a Muslim
- The Quran commands every single Muslim to participate in "Jihad" under penalty of eternal torment in hell's fires
- The Quran commands every single Muslim to slaughter any Muslim who will not take part in "Jihad"
- Because of those indisputable facts, Yada declared, "It is impossible to be a good Muslim and not be a terrorist. All good Muslims are terrorists."
- The USA caused the war in Syria by attacking Iraq and Afghanistan
- Conventional warfare, i.e., the use of bullets and bombs, will never defeat a religion; therefore, going to war against one group of Muslims or the other in Syria would be irrational and irresponsible
Myths Addressed
- The news media worldwide can be trusted to provide us with accurate and truthful reports
- A "jihad" is a personal inner struggle
- We can make things better in the Middle East by bombing people
Tuesday |
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- A discussion contrasting America's inability and unwillingness to reason with its propensity to drop bombs and shoot bullets
- The last thing Israel wants is for the U.S. and Russia to engage in acts of war in Syria
- Any attack by the U.S. against Hassad's Syria will result in missiles carrying sarin gas being launched into Israel
Myths Addressed
- Former U.S. President George W. Bush told the truth to the American people regarding the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
- Bullets and bombs are the solution to the world's problems
- The USA is the most moral nation in the world
Tuesday |
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- The primary symbolism of Eden, even though it was a very real place, was that Yahowah's goal, His whole purpose in creating the universe, was to establish a beautiful, safe environment in which to enjoy a familial relationship with mankind.
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:10-11 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document. The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found on page 27.
- Pinpointing the location of the Garden
- On Yahowah's timing
Myths Addressed
- The Garden of Eden was a sort of arboretum like many others around the world at that time
- Yahosha (Jesus to the Christians and others outside the Covenant) declared that no one can know the dates when Yahowah's prophecies will be fulfilled
Wednesday |
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- America's government forbids its own citizens from owning assault rifles and missile launchers while arming the civilians of Syria with those very things
- U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama's duplicity regarding the drawing of "red lines"
- The insanity of going to war with one faction of Muslims against another faction of Muslims
- Leaders of the Republican party have pledged their support to American military action against Syria
Myths Addressed
- The U.S. government has the Constitutional right to disarm its citizens whenever it feels like it
- The USA has a moral imperative to slaughter in the name of peace
- It is the responsibilty of the United States of America to punish the misbehavior of others worldwide
Wednesday |
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Continuing discussion about the Garden of Eden
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:10-11 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document. The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found on page 27.
Thursday |
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Thursday |
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Friday |
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Friday |
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Monday |
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Monday |
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Tuesday |
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Tuesday |
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Wednesday |
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Wednesday |
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Thursday |
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- On the dehumanization of American airplane passengers
- The consequences of refusing to admit that Islam, not Al-Qaeda, was responsible for 9-11
- Yada cautioned against allowing ourselves to become distracted by conspiracy theories when the truth is that Islam was solely responsible for the 9-11 slaughter
- Thomas Jefferson's description of war
Myths Addressed
- Muslim men are of the highest moral character and contribute greatly to society, the arts, and the sciences
- Terrorism is a living entity which can be defeated with soldiers and weapons of war
- Nick - the Million Maniacal Murderers March … oops! … make that the Million Muslim March
Thursday |
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- On a letter from the Roman Catholic Pope to a seeker
("None of this pope's oars are touching the water")
- How Yahowah proves His existence through His testimony
- Even Thomas Jefferson, a deist, recognized that Paul had corrupted Yahowah's Torah
- Yah's mercy is only for His children
- A reminder that there is no Hebrew word for "obey" and therefore no "Law" which must be obeyed
- Yada - "There is no greater source of sin in the world today than the Roman Catholic Church."
- The first thing which Yahowah declared was "not good" was the condition of being separated and all alone
- Getting to know Yahowah intimately through His Covenant and Torah is the whole purpose of our existence
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah saves everyone who "believes" in Him
- Salvation is the end goal
- Our opinions matter
- Sin is the act of violating our own conscience
Friday |
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The Day of Reconciliations
- A brief overview of Yahowah's Feasts
- Yah's timing and His return on The Day of Reconciliations in 2033
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah's Feasts are no longer relevant
- Yahowah has replaced His Sabbath with Sunday worship
- Larry - Participated as a guest; no specific question
Friday |
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Exposing Islam
- Special Guest: I.Q. al-Rassooli, author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam" and the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam
- A sound clip from a video where armed Muslims, amid shouts of "Allah u akbar!", are telling Christians to either convert to Islam or suffer beheading
- The real meaning of "Allah u akbar"
- "Islam" is Arabic for "submit"
Myths Addressed
- "Allah u akbar!" means "God is great!"
- There can be an Islamic democracy
Monday |
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- Vladmir Putin's statement in The New York Times
- Putin points out in print that the jihadists are fundamental Muslims, not extremists or radicals
Myths Addressed
- We are fighting "terrorism"
- Terrorists are radicals or extremists
Monday |
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Special Extended Program - 46½ minutes
Yom Kippurym: The Day of Reconciliations
- A wonderful description and explanation of this very special Feast
- Yahowah has called for no fasts and no affliction of our souls on this (or any other) day
- Yahowah constantly encourages us to observe His Word:
- To observe means to closely examine and carefully consider
- Observe, in this context, does not mean to do something religious
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah has thrown aside His Feasts in favor of Christianity's religious rites
- Yom Kippurym is a day to fast and to afflict our souls
- Larry - shared a sequential breakdown of the Hebrew names in Nehemiah 11:7, which provides a breathtaking
word picture of Yahowah's purpose (Please do not let yourself miss out on this portion of the
Tuesday |
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- On the increasing police state environment within the USA
- The mass shooting at the Naval Yard in Washington, D.C.
- Thomas Jefferson's view regarding the danger of a standing military
- Harvard study which proves that more gun ownership among citizens results in less gun violence in that society
- A discussion about gun control
Myths Addressed
- The USA loves peace and liberty
- Disarming Americans will stop the gun violence
- Larry - participated in the discussion about gun control
Tuesday |
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- A remark about a report regarding the Sarin gas attack on Syrian citizens
Continuing discussion about the Garden of Eden
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:18 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document. The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found on page 37.
- Yahowah created Chawah—whose name means "life-giver"— for Adam because He wanted us to understand the importance of a loving and intimate familial re-
lationship in a tangible way
- If we understand a loving family relationship, then we understand the Covenant—it really is just that simple!
- Eve was the name of a pagan fertitility goddess
- In ZecharYah (Zechariah) 14:9, Yahowah declares that, when He returns, He will be known by His one and only Name: Yahowah (not "The Lord", not "Jesus", and not "Allah")
- A brief description of the placeholders
- How the "Bible" came about and why
- Yahowah's way is for us to come to know Him so that He can adopt us and then save us
- Christianity teaches just the opposite: we get saved so we can get to know God
Myths Addressed
- Chawah was created inferior to Adam
- Adam's wife's name was Eve
- God's desire is to save us so that we can have a relationship with Him
- Larry - continued participation from the last hour
Wednesday |
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- More on the Navy Yard mass shooting
- The question of what to do with those judged to be criminally insane or in some other way dangerous to others
- Who makes that determination?
- How do we ensure that the determinations are just and accurate?
- Russia and the United States compared, then and now
Myths Addressed
- There is hope for the USA
- Bullets and bombs will bring peace and stability to the Middle East
- Larry - actively participated in the discussion
Wednesday |
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Continuing discussion about the Garden of Eden
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:18 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:21-22 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document. The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found starting on page 37.
- Why ish became isha
- Yahowah warned us that inviting uncircumcised males into His House was abominable
- Christians presume that they do not need to trouble themselves with circumcision or any of the King's other written instructions
Myths Addressed
- Faith is all it takes for one to become acceptable to God
- Yahosha hand-selected and authorized Paul
- Yahowah's Torah is a set of laws
- The so-called "Canon of Scripture" was established by men acting under the direct guidance of Yahowah's Spirit
- Larry - continued his participation from the 1st hour
- Jason - remarked about Paul's threat regarding anyone who opposed his preaching (Galatians 1)
Thursday |
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- The U.S. Federal Reserve
- American President Barack Obama's declaration that he will not cooperate with the checks and balances system when to do so might jeapordize his getting his way
- Russian President Vladimir Putin's remarks published in the NY Times
- Concerning one of U.S. Senator John McCain's most recent babblings
Myths Addressed
- The government of the USA is opposed to terrorism
- There is hope for the USA
Thursday |
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Continuing discussion about the Garden of Eden
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:21-22 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:23-24 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document. The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found starting on page 38.
- Adam's initial statement regarding Chawah
- The 5 terms and conditions of Yahowah's Covenant
- The benefits of Yahowah's Covenant
Myths Addressed
- Religion is the means to salvation
- The Covenant has been renewed
Friday |
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Yahowah's Feast of Shelters (Sukah)
- Click [here] to a PDF version of Yada's explanation of this feast. There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link
to save or open the document.
- Yah's timing
- The Mow'ed Miqrey - which have been fulfilled and which remain to be fulfilled
Myths Addressed
- Paul wrote Scripture
- The "New Testament" overrides Yahowah's Torah
Friday |
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- I really encourage you to give this episode your undivided attention.
Exposing Islam
- Special Guest: I.Q. al-Rassooli, author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam" and the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam
- The top 10 BBC headlines of the day and how the common denominator among 8 of them is Islamic misbehavior worldwide
- Discussion about Muslim terrorism around the world
- During the first 10 years of Muhammad's Islam era, he and his followers perpetrated 75 terrorist attacks, all of them against non-military opponents
- Their focus afterwards was on looting, rape, and enslaving
- Muslims consider Muhammad to have been the most perfect human being ever to have lived and they are required to live their lives exactly as he lived his
- Therefore, Muslims are required by their religion to be terrorists and to attack everyone who is not a Muslim.
- In fact, according to the Quran's 9th Surah, Allah declares that anyone who does not actively participate in jihad (worldwide war against non-Muslims) is no longer a Muslim
- A reminder that 99.99% of terrorist attacks since the 1960's have been committed by fundamental Muslims
- Various verifiable facts about Islam
- "Citizens of Muslim nations left to themselves would soon enough starve to death because Muslims are not productive." - I.Q. al-Rassooli
- All that needs to be done to save the world from the destructiveness of Islamic terrorism is to expose Islam to the world
Myths Addressed
- Al Qaeda is the seat of terrorism
- Islam is a peaceful religion
- The majority of Muslims are peaceful
- The bullets and bombs of America will save the world from terrorists
- Larry - shared an anecdote about the nature of doves
Monday |
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- Muslims were busy committing more murders over the weekend
- Christians murdered in Pakistan as they left church service
- Civilians murdered and held hostage in a grocery store in Nairobi, Kenya
- Suicide bomber exploded himself at a funeral in Baghdad, killing dozens
- Suicide bomber in Russia killed still more people
- News reporters routinely misrepresent the facts and turn their backs on the glaring truth that Islam is the common denominator in every one of these attacks
- Egypt bans the Muslim Brotherhood organization
Myths Addressed
- Islam is not responsible for 99.99% of terrorist attacks over the last 50 years
- Al-Qaeda is responsible for terrorism
- Peace talks with fundamental Muslims can be fruitful for all parties
- Muslims can be trusted
- There is a race of Palestinians
Monday |
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The Feast of Shelters (Mow'ed Miqra Sukah) from the perspective of the Garden of Great Joy
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:23-24 (footnote with Hebrew words and definitions)
- Click [here] to follow the discussion in Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found starting on page 39.
- On Yahowah's male and female characteristics
- The Mother and Father that we are told honor are our Heavenly Mother and Father, not our earthly parents
- Using the solid, liquid, and gaseous properties of water to illustrate Yahowah's nature
- Why Yahowah's fullness can never be fully contained in corporeal form
Myths Addressed
- God wants to be worshipped
- Yahowah has gender-specific attributes that are all male
- There is a Christian Trinity
- Robyn - raised a question about the nature of Yahowah
- Jake - shared his ideas on the similarity of the Hindu-
based word "avatar" to "qodesh"
- Carol - asked if there are groups of Yahowah's people gathering throughout the USA to celebrate His Feasts
Tuesday |
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- On recent remarks made in Mexico by the Roman Catholic Pope regarding economic systems
- The chaos that results when society forces a communistic mindset onto its citizens
- More on the routine pedophilia and other sexual misconduct occurring worldwide in the Roman Catholic priesthood
- John McCain's letter to the Russian people
Myths Addressed
- It is right for those who have earned money to be forced by law to give some or most of it to those who have not earned it
- The Roman Catholic Church is of God
Tuesday |
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The Feast of Shelters (Mow'ed Miqra Sukah) from the perspective of the Garden of Great Joy
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:23-24 (footnote with Hebrew words and definitions)
- Click [here] to follow the discussion in Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found starting on page 39.
- Hosea 2:2: Isra'el's relationship with false deities denounced
- The dangers of teaching religion to one's children
- The bottom line is that Yahowah wants to enjoy with us a personal and familial relationship that is akin to marriage
Myths Addressed
- It is offensive to Yahowah when we notice the physical beauty of others
- The flesh is nasty and bad
- We ought to raise our children in a religious atmosphere
Wednesday |
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- Remarks by the president of Kenya regarding the massacre of unarmed civilians by Muslims in a mall in Nairobi
- Call for Syria's fighters to unite under a single Shiite Islamic banner
- World Wars I & II (and most others of her wars) have all been started based on lies told to the American citizens
- Focusing a bit on the device used to deliver the sarin gas which killed so many of Syrian's citizens
Myths Addressed
- There is an alliance in Syria warring for freedom, peace, and human rights
- World Wars I & II (and most others of her wars) were started to protect American soil and the freedoms of its citizens
- U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama has made the world more stable
- Syrian President Assad is responsible for the sarin gas attack on Syrian civilians
Wednesday |
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- Follow the discussion! Click [here] to download your own free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found starting on page 41.
Yahowah's Covenant With Us
- "In the Beginning" / Baresyth / Genesis 2:25 (footnote with Hebrew words and definitions)
- A repeat of Yahowah's warning about Shaul of Tarsus, aka Paul
- More on Salvation / Hosha / Hosea 2:2,4-5 (see page 43 in the free "Yada Yah" Book 1, Chapter 5 PDF file available above)
- Why participation in religion is spiritual suicide
- Salvation / Hosha / Hosea 6:1-2 (see page 44 in the free "Yada Yah" Book 1, Chapter 5 PDF file available above)
- Yahowah's timing explained
- How Yahowah's 2nd Feast, Unleavened Bread / Matzah, removes from us the filth of religious and political affiliations, i.e., "the leaven of the Pharisees" Yahowsha warned us about
- Rise Up and Live in Yah's Shelter / Yirmayahu / Jeremiah 31:31 (see footnote below)
Myths Addressed
- Paul was hand-picked by God to speak His message to the world
- Responsible, loving parents raise their children in a religious environment
- There is a new Covenant, the "old" having been taken out of the way by Yahowsha
Thursday |
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- "Words wielded wisely provide the answer for almost everything that ails us, from economic ruin to terrorism, from religious myths to political hypocrisy–indeed–also, to life and the Covenant."
- Yada
- A reminder of just how close the American government brought us to World War III during the past weeks
- More on the long-obsolete M-14 artillery rocket used to deliver the sarin gas upon the Syrian citizens
- About Elizabeth O'Bagy, publicly debunked "expert" on Syria whom the Obama Administration cites in their attempts to force Americans into another war
- Co-founder of the Taliban released from prison with the blessing of the American government
- Surprise! Former Afghan senator and district governor has publicly announced that he is Taliban
Myths Addressed
- The American government has been truthful with the American people regarding their knowledge about Muslims and other matters of national interest and impediments to world peace
- The American men and women who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq gave their lives protecting Amer-
ica and the freedoms of the American people
Thursday |
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- Follow the discussion! Click [here] to download your own free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found starting on page 41.
Yahowah's Covenant With Us
- An announcement about Denial of Service attacks which have taken down Yada's "Prophet of Doom" and "Yada Yahweh" forum sites
- Muslim hackers? Likely, but unproven
- Yada mentioned many sites around the web which freely promote and/or present his books and web sites
(this site isn't among the ones he considers worthwhile)
- Check out and share the "An Introduction to God" videos on YouTube™ → Click [here]!
- Rise Up and Live in Yah's Shelter / Yirmayahu / Jeremiah 31:31-33 (see footnote below)
- The complete lack of intelligent reasoning required to believe in the basic premise of Christianity
- A brief overview of the terms and conditions of the Covenant
Myths Addressed
- The things Paul said and wrote accurately reflect Yahowah's teachings, instructions, and wishes
- The Covenant has been renewed
- Mark - expressed gratitude to Yada for bringing the truth to his attention
Friday |
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- Follow the discussion! Click [here] to download your own free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". The verses being discussed and Yada's commentary on them may be found starting on page 47.
Yahowah's Covenant With Us
- Rise Up and Live in Yah's Shelter / Yirmayahu / Jeremiah 31:31-33 (see footnote below)
- NOTE: I disagree with the declaration that Yahowah does not intervene in world affairs: the Scriptures give examples of His doing just that. He is, after all, the King. If He wants some-
thing done, the free will of those to be affected is not a consideration; He simply dispatches the appropriate spirit for the job, be it one of His loyal subjects or one of ha Satan's rebellious minions. It is not good, in my opinion, to try to squeeze Scripture into conformity with one's own pre- conceived ideas, as I believe Yada is doing on this subject of free will and so-called micromanagement.
Myths Addressed
- God gave us a "Bible"
- The cross is a symbol associated with Yahowah and the sacrifice of His Son
- Larry - took part in the final segment
Friday |
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Exposing Islam
- Special Guest: I.Q. al-Rassooli, author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam" and the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam
- On reports that the government of Qatar is treating as slaves those who are building for them the future site of the World Cup Soccer tournament.
- Workers are dying
- Workers complain that they have not been paid for months
- The Qatari government has confiscated the workers's passports and will not let them leave
- Muslims treat non-Muslims like beasts, considering them to be less than human because they are not Muslims
- It is the norm in Saudi Arabia for Muslims to enslave, torture, and rape their female domestics
- The Quran encourages lying, slavery, and rape
(That is a fact: it is not an opinion or an interpretation)
- The three worst countries in the world in terms of jihadi ideologies, jihadi weapons, and jihadi organizations themselves are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Pakistan
- By some astounding coincidence, these are the three Islamic countries that the USA is most closely aligned with, the three it provides the most support for
- Somalian Muslims who slaughtered civilians in a mall in Nairobi, Kenya
- Larry reported a Kenyan journalist's claim that the O-
bama Administration paid the Kenyan government to make it illegal to speak against Islam
- The two faces of Muhammad, Mecca and Medina, explained
- What it takes to transition an enraged young Muslim boy with an "I am a victim" mentality into a murderous jihadist: a piece of fruit and a promise of 72 virgins to molest eternally in Allah's paradise
Myths Addressed
- Islam is a religion of peace and high moral standards
- It is possible for those who reject Islam to live safely, in peace and harmony, with Muslims
- The US government, ever committed to freedom and human rights, stands opposed to the governments of those countries in which atrocities by Muslims are regularly occurring with complete impunity
- There really is a race of Palestinian people
- It is possible, according to the Quran, to be a peaceful Muslim
- Larry - took part after Mr. Al-Rassooli left to do another interview
- Jason - asked two questions regarding Muslims
Monday |
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- More manly warrior activities over the weekend as Muslims murdered 50 college students in Nigeria as they slept in their dormitories
- A suicide bomber in Baghdad blew himself up in a mosque during a funeral, causing the deaths of at least 40 people
- Saudi Arabia's massive spending to buy Islamic influence around the world
Myth Addressed
- Muslims are valiant warriors who only fight and kill in self defense
- Jason - sought Yada's opinion regarding the influence of Saudi money in education and buisness worldwide
Monday |
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- An overview of Yada's masterpiece, "Yada Yah", which is available in a series of absolutely free PDF files from this web site
- Yahowah created evil because it has to exist in order for us to have a choice
- An in-depth examination of the temptation of Adam and Chawah in the Garden of Great Joy
- How a lack of understanding of Yahowah's Word makes one gullible and susceptible to lies
- The Adversary uses an ingenious blend of truth and lies to deceive mankind
Myths Addressed
- Something that is evil is blatantly evil and cannot contain anything good
- The Adversary, ha satan, is very obviously evil in all he says and does
= יהוה = ee-ah-oh-ah = Yahowah
Song / Mizmowr / Psalm 19:7
Yahowah's Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning and restoring the soul. Yahowah's testimony is trustworthy and
reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open-minded and receptive.
Yahowah's (
- יהוה) Towrah (torah — teaching, guidance, direction, and instruction) is complete and entirely
perfect (tamym — without defect, lacking nothing, correct, genuine, right, helpful,
beneficial, and true), returning and restoring (suwb —
transforming) the soul (nepesh — consciousness).
Yahowah's testimony ('eduwth — restoring and eternal witness) is
trustworthy and reliable ('aman — verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam — educating and
enlightening oneself to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded and receptive (pethy — easy for those who are receptive).
"In the Beginning" / Bare’syth / Genesis 2:9
Yahowah (
Almighty (‘elohym), enabled life to sprout up and grow (samah initiated and caused life to increase in stature) from (min out of) the ground (‘adamah soil or
earth); all kinds of (kol many) trees (‘es) which are desirable (hamad pleasing,
delightful, and pleasurable) in appearance (mar’eh visually) and good (towb beautiful and beneficial, agreeable and pleasant) to eat (ma’akal as food to be consumed). The Tree
(‘es upright timber) of Lives (chayym
renewals and restorations, revivals and nurturing, homes and dwelling places where lives are preserved and flourish) was in (ba) the midst (tawek
middle or center) of the protective enclosure (gar sheltered, covered, and
defended garden)…
"In the Beginning" / Bare’syth / Genesis 2:10-14
A river (nahar stream) flowed out (yasa’ extended and descended) from (min) Eden (‘eden great joy, delight, ultimate pleasure, extreme satisfaction and
luxury, and a favorable state of great gladness) with (la) water (saqah that which quenches thirst) of the protective
enclosure (gar sheltered garden, covered and defended place suitable for life), and from (min) there (sam that
place and relative position) it separated (parad parted and divided) becoming (hayah coming to exist as) four (‘arba’ from raba’, meaning square, foursided, place to
stretch out, rest and relax) headwater sources (ro’s beginning
The name (shem proper designation) of the first (‘echad) is the Pishon (pyshōn from pūsh, meaning to spring up, act proudly, and scatter). It winds its way through
(sabab meanders, constantly changing course through and encompassing) all
of (kol) the region (‘erets land or
realm) of Hailah (haylah from hūl, to twist
and encircle, bringing fear, pain, and anguish) where relationally there is (sam
‘asher) gold (zahab considerable wealth, money, and
And the gold (zahab considerable wealth, money, and splendor) of
that land (‘erets region or realm), the bdellium resin (badolah translucent, odoriferous, amber gum from an Arabian tree; from badal, to
divide, separate, and exclude) and precious (soham reddish onyx, lapis lazuli,
malachite, and beryl) stones (‘eben rocks and gems) are
beautiful (tōb).
The name (shem proper designation) of the second (seni from shanah, to change) is the Gihon (Gychōn to burst forth). It winds its way through (sabab) the whole (kol) land (‘erets region) of Kūsh (kūsh).
The name of the third (salisi to stretch out, to send out and away) river is the Tigris (Hiddekel from hadar, to rapidly
surround, to close in and besiege bringing impending doom) which travels (halak) east (qidmah) of
‘Asshur (‘ashūr Assyria, named after the goddess Ashur, who became Ishtar and Easter over time). And the fourth river is the Euphrates (parat known as "the great river").
"In the Beginning" / Bare’syth / Genesis 2:18
Yahowah (
), Almighty (‘elohym), said (‘amar), “It is not (lo’) good (towb productive and beneficial) for the man, Adam (‘adam), to exist (hayah to be) separated (bad apart and alone). I will make for (‘asah I will fashion and prepare for) him a helper and supporter (‘ezer one who assists and serves, a succor who rescues, aids, renews, and benefits) like (ka in the manner of) his corresponding counterpart (neged).”
"In the Beginning" / Bare’syth / Genesis 2:21-22
Yahowah (
), Almighty
(‘elohym), caused the man, Adam, to fall (napal)
deeply asleep (tardemah), and while he slept (yasen), He grasped hold of (laqah - selected and took) one (‘echad) of his ribs from his side (sela’ min - bones and cartilage from around the heart and lungs) and closed up
(sagar) its place with flesh (basar - living soft
tissues). And the rib (sala’) Yahowah (
) Almighty (‘elohym) took (laqah) relationally
(‘asher) from (min) the man,
Adam (‘adam), He formed into (banah - made and
erected, constructed and established) a woman and wife (‘isah - female partner
in marriage). And He brought her (bow’) to (‘el) the man, ‘Adam (‘adam).
"In the Beginning" / Bare’syth / Genesis 2:23-24
Then the man, Adam (adam), said (amar), "This (zoth) is the foundation for living (esem the skeleton upon which life hangs, the essential substance and essence of an upright life), the way to conduct one's life (paam the pattern of behavior to be followed): out of (min from) my (any) essence (esem bones and substance, essential nature), life (basar) from my life (basar flesh, body, and humanity). This (zoth) shall be called (qara summoned) woman and wife (isah female) because (ky) out of (min from) man and husband (ish) she was taken (laqah grasped and obtained, selected and received)."
Accordingly, therefore (‘al ken so based on this it is also right that) a man (‘ish) shall leave (‘azab abandon and reject, desert and forsake, be absent from) his (huw’) father (‘ab) and his
mother (‘em) and cling to (dabaq join
fast to, cleave to, stay close to, be united in close association with) his wife (‘isah woman and female partner in marriage). And they shall exist as (hayah be) one (‘echad a singular unity in the)
flesh (basar living being and body).
"In the Beginning" / Bare’syth / Genesis 2:25
The two (shanaym), the man (‘adam) and his wife (‘isah woman), were (hayah existed) naked (‘arowm unclothed and bare-skinned with no barrier between them) and they were not
(lo’) ashamed (bows).
"Rise Up and Live in Yah's Shelter" / Yirmiyahu / Jeremiah 31:31-33
“Behold (hineh – look, listen, and pay close attention to
what follows), days (yomym – times) are coming
(bow’ – will arrive and will return),” prophetically declares (na’um – foretells,
predicts, and reveals) Yahowah (
-hwhy - יהוה – Yahowah), “when
(wa) I will cut (karat – I will
create, completely establishing and totally stipulating, I will actually make by way of separation (qal
stem affirms reality and perfect conjugation speaks of an act which is total, complete, and indivisible)) relationally with (‘eth – as an eternal symbol on behalf of) the household and family (beyth – the home) of
Isra’el (ysra’el – those who strive and contend with, engage, persist, and
endure with, are set free and are empowered by God) and relationally with (wa ‘eth – as an eternal symbol on behalf of) the household and family
(beyth – the home) of Yahudah (Yahudah – Yah is Abundantly Sufficient, Of Yah, From Yah, and Those Who Are Related to Yah) a renewed and restored (chadash – a renewing, restoring, repairing, and
reaffirming) Family-Oriented Covenant Relationship (beryth –
nurturing and engaged relational agreement established on the foundation of beyth – family and
home, a mutually binding partnership promise, solemn oath, and active alliance, and a participatory pledge based upon a
marriage vow which fosters and encourages).
“It will not be exactly the same as
(lo’ ka – it will not be identical to) the (ha) Covenant (beryth – familial relationship, marriage vow, binding
agreement, and pledge) which relationally (‘asher) I cut (karat – created through separation) with
(‘et) their fathers (‘abotam) in the day, when (ba yowm) firmly grasping Me (hazaq – I repaired, renewed, and restored them, I
established, sustained and supported them, I caused them to prevail and grow, as they were strengthened and encouraged by My
power and authority) in their hand (ba yad – by them taking
initiative, engaging, and reaching out), I led them out (yasa’
– I descended, extended Myself, and I served them by guiding them away) from (min) the realm (‘erets) of
the crucible of Egypt (mitsraym – a metaphor for human religious, political, economic,
and military oppression and divine judgment), which relationally (‘asher) they broke, disassociating themselves (parar – they violated and nullified, they frustrated, tore apart, and shattered, and they split
away) from (‘eth) My Family-Oriented Covenant
Relationship (beryth – My nurturing and engaged relational agreement established on the
foundation of beyth – family and home, My mutually binding partnership promise, My solemn oath and active alliance, and
My participatory pledge based upon a marriage vow which fosters and encourages), though (wa) I (‘anky) was married to
them (ba ba’al hem – I was their husband),”
prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah(
-hwhy - יהוה – Yahowah).
“Indeed (ky – surely and truly) with this
(ha zo’th – in conjunction with these conditions and provisions the) Familial Covenant Relationship (beryth – reciprocal partnership, active
alliance, and engaged agreement, mutually binding and nurturing promise, solemn oath and participatory pledge, based upon a
marriage vow) which relationally (‘asher) I
will cut (karat – I will create and establish through separation)
with (‘eth – and alongside) the House (beyth – household and family) of Isra’el (ysra’el – those who strive and contend with, who engage, persist, and endure with, who are set
free and are empowered by God) after (‘ahar – following) those days (ha yowm hem – that time),” prophetically declares (na’um –
predicts and promises) Yahowah (
-hwhy - יהוה – Yahowah), “I will
actually give My Torah, completely providing and producing My Teaching and Instruction (natan
‘eth Torah – I will reliably bestow and totally devote My Direction and My Guidance as a gift, putting it
(here the qal stem affirms that this will actually occur and the perfect conjugation tells us that
the gift of the Towrah will be whole and complete, indivisible and uninterruptible throughout time))
within their inner nature (ba qereb – internally, inside their person, within their
core and midst, becoming part of their psychological makeup, thoughts, and emotions). And (wa) upon (‘al – as the Almighty
concerning) their heart (leb – speaking of their source of life,
and the seat of love, volition, feelings, attitude, and character), I will actually write it
(katab – I will genuinely engrave and inscribe it (written in the qal
relational stem, telling us that we can rely upon this occurring, and in the imperfect
conjugation, affirming that it will produce ongoing results throughout time, with the first person
singular prefix, saying that God, Himself, will be doing the writing, and with the third person
feminine singular suffix, telling us that it is the Torah, which is a feminine noun, which
will be inscribed)). And (wa) I shall be
(hayah – I will always, reliably, and without interruption or exception be (qal stem perfect conjugation)) God (‘elohim) to and for them (la la), and (wa) they (hem), themselves, shall
be (hayah – they will always and reliably exist, eternally receiving the complete
benefits of (qal relational stem affirming the genuineness of this promise, and imperfect conjugation
which tells us that there will be ongoing and unfolding assistance and advantages associated with being considered)) to and for Me as (la la) family (‘am).”
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